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Semi-Automatic Micro Doser
Micro-ingredients, are a set of solutions dedicated to the storage and dosing (by weight), of small and medium-sized ingredients, integrated with the main ingredients of a dough. The micro-dosing unit is particularly suitable for the food industry as it ensures total reliability and food safety of the process, recipe standardisation (thanks to precision weighing) and cost optimisation due to the complete automation of the plant.


Perfect dosing and waste reduction
Maximum dosing precision in the execution of required recipes, resulting in minimised waste of raw material or production of non-compliant material

Technology integration and process automation
Exceptional integration with the main plant and high automation allow fast dosing, savings in handling, accurate traceability and reduction of human errors.

Customised unloading geometries
Depending on the characteristics of the product being processed, the unloading geometries and moving parts (worm gear pitch, reels and augers) are adapted.
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